Sunday, September 27, 2015

Week #5 in Review

1. Punctuation/Capitalization rule(s): Rule 5 from your EEL pg. 457
          Most possessive nouns end with either (‘s) if singular, or (s’) if plural. 

2. Homophones: EEL pg. 485

  • Student A: hour-our
  • Student B: two-too-to, I-eye, bare-bear, wear-where
  • Student C: way-weigh
3. Grammar Charts:

a)      Student A: Charts A  thru F  (focus on Interrogative section of charts, helping verbs & interrogative pronouns)
b)      Student B: Charts A thru F   (focus on Interrogative section of charts, helping verbs & interrogative pronouns)
c)      Student C: Charts A thru F   (focus on Interrogative section of charts, helping verbs & interrogative pronouns)

4. Weekly Practice sentences: EEL pg. 433 (in Sentences section of the Student Notebook)  
  • Student A: Complete tasks 1-4 on Analytical Task Sheet (blue laminated document) for the 1st 4 sentences on pg. 433
  • Students B & C: Go as far as you can through all 6 tasks for all 5 sentences on pg. 433 and pick one or two to Quid et Quo
  • Answers for each sentence are found in the week 5 lesson 
5.  Spelling (optional): EEL pg. 467
6. Editing (optional): In the Editing section of the Student Notebook, your student will have their 4th week exercises

7.  HBW

All- The Fall of Babylon
Here's how it looks at home for Student A: Monday: KWOing and narrating back. Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday: Write RD-one paragraph per day.
Student B- Tuesday & Wednesday: write rough draft, Thursday: final copy

**1st year students to save all their dressing up for next week when we add conversation/ simile and metaphor.

  • Stylistic Technique- pg. 42 of the SRN (Alliteration)
  • Use your Banned Words list this week if you haven't started- this list is pg. 6 of the SRN
8. Vocabulary Words: These are found on the blue sheet I handed out at our parent meeting- this is the only sheet in our Vocabulary section of our Student Notebook. (HBW pgs. 240-241- Teachers)

Here's a link to a one-page wiki which gives all of the banned words, and along with them, gives a list of some good synonyms (it's all in one place): .


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