Thursday, September 3, 2015

What do I do every day?


For every home this will look a little bit different. I'm going to refer you back to your EEL guide which refers to home scheduling several different times. READ pages 19-22 for yourself, but....

 here is a basic summary:

EEL: The Grammar portion of Essentials is laid out in the EEL guide on pages 19-20. Days 2-5 consists of drilling and repetition that usually take 30-45 minutes each day. 
a.    The first 10-15 minutes should be spent on copying or reciting the Student Mastery Charts, which is also referred to as the “grammar”/memory work portion of the program, the “Grammar Trail” The student can typically do this work independently after the first 6-8 weeks.
b.    The second 10-15 minutes focuses more on the dialectic trail.  This is where the parent will dictate a sentence and complete the different analytical tasks.  How far your student goes will be determined by you, but beginning students start with tasks 1-2 and build up to Tasks 3-4.  While second and third year students should be able to do all 6 tasks. 
c.   Optional: Editing sheets labeled by week (In editing section of the Student Notebook), drill homophones, spelling words/rules  
IEW: Incorporating IEW into your day is also laid out in the EEL guide on pages 21-22.  The time spent varies with the ability of your child.  It usually takes 30-45 minutes a day.  This is a suggested schedule. 

Day 1: Class day where structure and style is introduced
Day 2: Vocabulary words, Completing outlines and brainstorming  activities
Day 3: Writing the rough draft
Day 4: Completion and editing of the rough draft
 Day 5: Completing the Final draft and labeling the paper.


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