Sunday, September 27, 2015

Week #5 in Review

1. Punctuation/Capitalization rule(s): Rule 5 from your EEL pg. 457
          Most possessive nouns end with either (‘s) if singular, or (s’) if plural. 

2. Homophones: EEL pg. 485

  • Student A: hour-our
  • Student B: two-too-to, I-eye, bare-bear, wear-where
  • Student C: way-weigh
3. Grammar Charts:

a)      Student A: Charts A  thru F  (focus on Interrogative section of charts, helping verbs & interrogative pronouns)
b)      Student B: Charts A thru F   (focus on Interrogative section of charts, helping verbs & interrogative pronouns)
c)      Student C: Charts A thru F   (focus on Interrogative section of charts, helping verbs & interrogative pronouns)

4. Weekly Practice sentences: EEL pg. 433 (in Sentences section of the Student Notebook)  
  • Student A: Complete tasks 1-4 on Analytical Task Sheet (blue laminated document) for the 1st 4 sentences on pg. 433
  • Students B & C: Go as far as you can through all 6 tasks for all 5 sentences on pg. 433 and pick one or two to Quid et Quo
  • Answers for each sentence are found in the week 5 lesson 
5.  Spelling (optional): EEL pg. 467
6. Editing (optional): In the Editing section of the Student Notebook, your student will have their 4th week exercises

7.  HBW

All- The Fall of Babylon
Here's how it looks at home for Student A: Monday: KWOing and narrating back. Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday: Write RD-one paragraph per day.
Student B- Tuesday & Wednesday: write rough draft, Thursday: final copy

**1st year students to save all their dressing up for next week when we add conversation/ simile and metaphor.

  • Stylistic Technique- pg. 42 of the SRN (Alliteration)
  • Use your Banned Words list this week if you haven't started- this list is pg. 6 of the SRN
8. Vocabulary Words: These are found on the blue sheet I handed out at our parent meeting- this is the only sheet in our Vocabulary section of our Student Notebook. (HBW pgs. 240-241- Teachers)

Here's a link to a one-page wiki which gives all of the banned words, and along with them, gives a list of some good synonyms (it's all in one place): .


Thursday, September 24, 2015

To Bring Week #5

For this week....

Parents bring:
1) pgs. 89-102 from the EEL guide
2) AHBW teacher manual (if you have one) Lessons 8-10
2) paper to write on
3) something to write with

Students will refer to/go over:
1) Chart A, B, C, F
2) Blue Analytical Task Sheet (laminated 11x17 that I had made)
3) Quid et Quo
4) AHBW student workbook Lessons 8-10
5) Student Resource Notebook

Friday, September 18, 2015

Week #4 in Review

1. Punctuation/Capitalization rule(s): Rule 4 from your EEL pg. 457
           Capitalize all proper nouns

2. Homophones: EEL pg. 485

  • Student A: not-knot
  • Student B: allowed-aloud
  • Student C: stairs-stares
3. Grammar Charts:

a)      Student A: Charts A  thru F  (focus on Imperative section of charts)
b)      Student B: Charts A thru F   (focus on Imperative section of charts)
c)      Student C: Charts A thru F   (focus on Imperative section of charts)

4. Weekly Practice sentences: EEL pg. 433 (in Sentences section of the Student Notebook)  
  • Instructions begin on pg. 49 of this week's lesson
  • Student A: Complete tasks 1-4 on Analytical Task Sheet (blue laminated document) for the 1st 3 sentences on pg. 433
  • Students B & C: Go as far as you can through all 6 tasks for all 5 sentences on pg. 433
  • Answers for each sentence are found in the week 4 lesson 
5.  Spelling (optional): EEL pg. 467
6. Editing (optional): In the Editing section of the Student Notebook, your student will have their 4th week exercises

7.  AHBW  
  • Student A: Unit 2: Lesson 7- Pyramids  (pgs. 69-75) **Checklist on pg. 75
  • Student B: Unit 2: Lesson 7- both Pyramids and Mummies ** Checklists on pgs. 75 & 77
  • Stylistic Technique-Banned Verbs (SRN pgs. 19-23)
  • Regarding Banned Words- this list is pg. 6 of the SRN (in the parent meeting this was handed out in bright paper- I don't have one so I can't remember if it was yellow or orange)
8. Vocabulary Words: These are found on the blue sheet I handed out at our parent meeting- this is the only sheet in our Vocabulary section of our Student Notebook. (AHBW pgs. 258-259 Teachers)

1) baffling- hard to understand 
2) monument- something that serves as a reminder of something else 
3) splendor- magnificence
4) enigma- a mystery

I will not be here for the next  2 Fridays! Angie Meador will be substituting for me. Please let me know if you need help or have any questions, as I will be by a computer.


Thursday, September 17, 2015

To Bring Week #4

Sorry- my flight was delayed & therefore so was this post :-(

For this week....

Parents bring:
1) pgs. 75-88 from the EEL guide
2) AHBW teacher manual (if you have one) Lesson 7 (pgs. 71-75)
2) paper to write on
3) something to write with

Students will refer to/go over:
1) Charts A-F
2) Blue Analytical Task Sheet (laminated 11x17 that I had made)
3) AHBW student workbook Lesson 7
4) Student Resource Notebook pgs. 19-23 

Friday, September 11, 2015

Week 3 in Review

1. Punctuation/Capitalization rule(s): Rule 3 from your EEL pg. 457
  1. Capitalize "I" when used as a word.
2. Homophones: EEL pg. 485
  • Student A: hay-hey
  • Student B: sea-see, tea-tee, read-reed, beat-beet, feat-feet, meat-meet
  • Student C: son-sun, aunt-ant
3. Grammar Charts:
a)      Student A: Charts C and D & B
b)      Student B: Charts C, D & B and choice of AA, BB, or EE
      c)   Student C: Charts C, D, & B  also charts AA, BB, and EE

4. Weekly Practice sentences: EEL pg. 433 (in Sentences section of the Student Notebook)  
  • Instructions begin on pg. 49 of this week's lesson
  • Student A: Complete tasks 1-3 on Analytical Task Sheet (blue laminated document) for the 1st 3 sentences on pg. 433
  • Students B & C: Go as far as you can through all 6 tasks for all 5 sentences on pg. 433
  • Answers for each sentence are found in the week 3 lesson 
5.  Spelling (optional): EEL pg. 467
6. Editing (optional): In the Editing section of the Student Notebook, your student will have their 3rd week exercises (John 1:19-23)

7.  AHBW Unit 2: Lessons 4 & 5 pgs. 37-54
·         Student A- Finish KWO of The Epic of Gilgamesh. Complete KWO & paragraph for The Plant of Life. Checklist is on pg. 43.
·         Student B- Write the paragraph for The Epic of Gilgamesh as well as complete the KWO & paragraph for The Plant of Life (Part 1). Use The Epic as an introduction & put both paragraphs together. Checklists on pgs. 43 & 45.

·         Student C- All of the above & add The Plant of Life (Part 2)- pg. 48 as well as The Plant of Life (Part 3)- pg. 52. Combine all into one paper. Checklist on pg. 54.
8. Vocabulary Words: contrary, validate, depict, corrupt, wail, devour, presently, despair


Thursday, September 10, 2015

To Bring Week #3

For this week....

**Have a blank Chart A ready for your quiz!!! Parents, yours will be on lined paper.

Parents bring:
1) pgs. 43-74 from the EEL guide
2) AHBW teacher manual (if you have one)
2) paper to write on
3) something to write with

Students will refer to/go over:
1) Charts A-F in the Charts section of Student notebook
2) Blue Analytical Task Sheet (laminated 11x17 that I had made)- I will give these out to new students
3) AHBW student workbook pgs. 40-45

**Their paragraphs on ziggurats should be submitted tomorrow with an -ly word as well as a who/which clause (checklist included from pg. 35).

Monday, September 7, 2015

Week 2 In Review

1.  Spelling: lists begin in your EEL on pg. 467  (this is completely optional and will just be mentioned in class)
2. Punctuation/Capitalization rule(s): Rules 1 & 2 from your EEL pg. 457

  1. Capitalize the 1st letter in every sentence
  2. End a sentence with an end mark (.) (?) (!)
3. Homophones: EEL pg. 485

Level A Level B Level C
red - color creak - high noise clothes - attire
read - look at written words creek - stream of water close - to seal; obstruct

led - to guide leak - to drip
lead - first place leek - a vegetable

weak - not strong

week - 7 days

heal - to cure; recover

heel - back part of foot

real - true; certain

reel - to spin around

steal - to take without permission
steel - an iron or carbon metal

4. Grammar Charts:

a)      Student A: Charts C and D; memorize what we talked about for Chart A

b)     Student B: Charts C, D and choice of AA, BB, or EE; memorize what we talked about for Chart A

c)   Student C: Charts C, D, AA, BB and EE; memorize what we talked about for Chart A

****I still have no voice, so even though there are minor word changes in 2 of the songs, we're sticking with last year's videos **** 
Verb Chant:
4 Verb Attributes Chant:
Helping Verbs Song:
Linking Verbs Song:
12 Verb Tenses:
5 Principal Verb Parts:
Irregular Verbs:

5. Editing: In the Editing section of the Student Notebook, your student will have their 2nd week exercises (John 1:10-18)

6.  AHBW Unit 2: Lesson 3 pgs. 27-35 (Challenge students add The Tower of Babel pg. 34) 
  • Checklist is on pg. 35
  • Add an -ly word, w-w clause & title  from the last sentence
7. Vocabulary Words: bellow, quake, ascend, descend, indefinite, colossal
Our Mother Tongue Lessons: Verbs (pgs. 19-23); 38-42 (pgs. 139-151) 

Just as an FYI: Again, I have Pinterest boards for Both Foundations & Essentials ideas (I separate the Foundations by subject)  as well as a YouTube playlist

Have another great week!!!!
